As the National Institute on Drug and Abuse states in its Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide, “no single treatment is appropriate for all individuals.” This calls for various modes of treatment to address the diversity that exists among those who need help.
The mission of Talk Therapy’s programs is precisely this: to provide a variety of treatment modes to maximize the patient’s chance of success.
Principles in Practice
The mode of treatment is based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the Transtheoretical Model of Change (Stages of Change). A cognitive-behavioral treatment approach views addictive behavior as an interplay between maladaptive thoughts and behaviors. The list below delineates the main components of the program:
- The use of Motivational Interviewing to establish an honest therapeutic relationship with the goal of influencing the participant towards change
- An assessment of the participant’s place in The Stage Model of Change
- Active encouragement of the expression of ambivalence and resistance to change
- Interventions that have been shown to be effective in each stage
- Developing a Decisional Balance that shows the pros and cons of changing or not changing
- Developing a Hierarchy of Needs in which the participant decides upon the relative importance of different problems in their life and the order of addressing these problems therapeutically
- Educating participants on how to manage urges and craving
- Identifying, enhancing, and maintaining motivation to abstain, moderate, cut back, or engage in less harmful use
- Identifying and addressing coexisting mental disorders; such as depression, anxiety, trauma, etc.
- Identifying and correcting maladaptive and dysfunctional thoughts and beliefs
- Developing a balanced value-based lifestyle leading to fulfillment of goals and dreams while minimizing chances of replace
- Developing a style of communication that is effective and leads to establishment of healthy relationships
- Exploring and addressing dysfunctional dynamics within family and social environment
- Referral to medical professionals for determination of need for psychiatric or addiction medications
- Random and scheduled drug and alcohol testing on case by case basis
12-Step and Non-12 Step Approaches
Patients seeking a holistic, comprehensive approach to addiction recovery thrive in our environment. We work with clients who have an affiliation with a 12-step program but also with those who prefer a non-12 step approach.
Regardless of the orientation, we offer intensive and personalized treatment plans that incorporate the client’s other resources. Our intention is to create a plan that maximizes our chance of success in getting you on the right path.
Our customized and therapeutic approach addresses the particular needs of the patient, allowing him or her to understand their own fundamental desire to engage in destructive patterns.
The standard 12-step model treats addiction as a chronic disease; a condition that can be managed through regular meeting attendance and adherence to a fixed series of guidelines. While addiction is unquestioningly a serious challenge, giving the condition the classification of a “disease” could lead sufferers to the conclusion that there is no need to pursue alternative remedies.
Imagine if you had abdominal pain for which you saw your physician. If your physician announced that it was a chronic condition without administering any tests or even evaluating you, you might be somewhat skeptical of the diagnosis.
In a way, traditional 12-step programs can take a similar stance towards addiction. What we prefer in the case of an existing affiliation with a 12-step program is to augment that program with our own personalized evaluation of potential underlying causes for the addiction, and identify those areas that can be improved or overcome.
At Talk Therapy, we provided a personalized assessment, coupling effective coping strategies with a profound exploration of the patient’s particular emotional challenges, stressors, and personal relationship patterns. By offering a safe, supportive, and self-empowering forum for discussing all aspects of the patient’s addiction, we allow the patient to fully explore his or her choices and behaviors.
If you struggle with substance, please contact Talk Therapy to discuss treatment options.