Emotions guide our everyday lives. Our choices, actions, and thoughts are all guided by our emotions. Managing and utilizing them in a beneficial manner has the potential to transform one’s life in a positive manner. Improving one’s emotional intelligence can be a great psychological benefactor to oneself.
Allowing ourselves to feel emotions is part of a healing process and being capable of moving on. Our emotions are apart of who we are and it is important to feel them as they arise in our day to day lives. Suppressing emotions inside could lead to deterioration of mental health. One does not need to feel shame for showing emotions whether that be to oneself in private or to others. Sitting and allowing ourselves to feel emotions that arise can be a lead to a break through in our mental health journeys.
Emotions can be both positive and negative. While we should strive not to let our negative emotions consume ourselves, they can give us the push that may lead us to healing. Our emotions could encourage us to want to move on and work on a healing process. Uncovering suppressed emotions will allow us to deal with them in a positive and effective way. There are many activities that we can engage in, in order to uncover such emotions and work through them. Activities such as journaling, reading, meditating, and talking to a therapist are some viable options. However, emotions can become overwhelming at times. In such cases, it would be crucial to find ways to either channel those emotions in a positive manner or use distractions techniques to cope and process them in small doses.
It is also important that we help ourselves to evoke position emotions by working out, engaging in hobbies, socializing with loved ones. It is important to regulate the joys of life and indulge in the things that make us feel good so long as they are healthy options. Allow yourself to feel the moment and release your emotions whether that be to just break down or laugh out loud.
Our emotional intellect along with your cognitive intellect are the guiding factors in our lives. Emotions come in both positive and negative forms. Allowing ourselves to feel what arises and utilizing those emotions to fuel our drive and motivation could lead to break throughs, leading us towards a positive path. Suppressing our emotions is like shaking a bottle of soda, we can only hold in the pressure of our emotions so much until we just burst. Once it gets to that point, we may have a hard time managing our actions. Therefore, it is imperative that we remain aware of our emotions, allowing ourselves to feel them and managing them when necessary.